"TRUST" - The Core Root Of All Success

"Trust" defined as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.

  • If we trust normally we can establish solid relationships. 
  • If we trust, most likely we will buy.
  • If we trust, repeat business is sure to come lingering back with referrals as the add on to the existing pipeline.

Rapport builds TRUST, Trust builds VALUE, Value initiates instant Credibility and Authority.
But how exactly is TRUST established? And how can it be maintained? 

"Integrity": adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

 "Saying you are going to do what you promised you will do." It is the core influence of customer service. With it referrals and both existing and past clients will come flocking like seagulls.

The core values of Trust are as follows:
  1. Credibility: Be the go to person for your industries product or service. Position yourself as unique and different from the rest. Answer all questions with confidence and authority and be the one people go to when subject of your companies service or product comes to mind.
  2. Reliability: This normally falls on your actions. If you told your customer you will have the package out by tomorrow morning before 10 AM then you better make sure you have the package out before 10 AM the next day. It is saying you will do things when you say you are going to do them.
  3. Intimacy: Security. Security. Security. We all have this fear of loss embedded in our souls. We all want to make sure we don't get robbed, scammed, mistreated or mislead. Don't give your customers FALSE information or an understanding which may lead to miscommunication. Under promise and Over deliver!
  4. Self-Orientation: The morals and values you portray will be based on the way you present yourself. If you lost trust in the past, it won't be impossible to regain but it will take some work to gain it back. Be good hearted and come from a point of service. Always, Always, Always ask:
    "What Can I Do For You?" And always remember, the customer is always RIGHT!
Think of your customers or potential customers as a family member or close friend. These are the people in your life most would say you have a strong bond with and whom you can TRUST.

Typically when we trust someone we seem to feel a bit more comfortable with them, are personality shines and we seem to be relaxed in our comfort zone.

Now I want you interpret the same way you feel with family and friends into your next networking event or prospect meeting. Trust is built with LOVE, care, nurture and over all a great personality. 

The Trust Creation Process is as follows:

  1. Engage the client in an open discussion about issues that are key to the client.
  2. Listen to what is important and real to the client; earn the right to offer solutions.
  3. Frame the true root issue, without the language of blame, problem statements and hypotheses; take personal risks to explore sensitive issues—articulate a point of view; create by giving away.
  4. Envision an alternate reality, including win-win specific descriptions of outcomes and results, including emotional and political states; clarify benefits—make clear what’s at stake; be tangible about future states;
  5. Commit to actionable next steps that imply significant commitment and movement on the part of each party.

ACTIONS are driven by our beliefs, our perception of THOUGHT. If we believe we TRUST someone then we are most likely to buy, refer and be a long term customer.

FOCUS on all THERE needs and wants 1st and you are sure to gain there TRUST. 

Chris Lara
Grass Root Marketing

Twitter: @GrassRootMrktg
 Facebook: GrassRootMarketing
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