Have you ever been so convince in fast food as dinner that when you end up paying you end up buying items in the menu you later find out were up sales by the cashier?
Been on Yelp.com recently to check a review and go to that place of interest later that night solely because of the review?
And the infamous "LIKE" button. The king of facebook. If so many other people "LIKE" it then I must "LIKE" it too.
What does this all mean you may ask?
"These are the simplistic acts of psychological persuasion at its finest.
We act, they follow.
We see, they observe.
We move, they mirror our image.
We speak, they listen.
We object, they rebuttal.
The great ones will persuade you to buy anything, anywhere at anytime.
Picture the plaques on the wall at the car dealership. Wonder why it's the same picture, of the same guy 2 years in a row. And now that you think about it, that's the same guy that sold you your car.
The following are the basic Weapons of Influence as explained by Robert Cialdini in his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.
- Reciprocity - People tend to return a favor.
- Commitment and Consistency - Once people commit to what they think is right, orally or in writing, they are more likely to honor that commitment, even if the original incentive or motivation is subsequently removed.
- Social Proof - People will do things that they see other people are doing.
- Authority - People will tend to obey authority figures, even if they are asked to perform objectionable acts.
- Liking - People are easily persuaded by other people whom they like.
belief with viral marketing, the more times people like or comment a feed,
the higher placement that feedreceives, the actions of other will program your belief
system to at time take action as well making your perception of what is being liked
to be true or of common interest.
- Scarcity - Perceived scarcity will generate demand.
before it's to late!
These are just some of the common laws of persuasion used on a day to day basis my your common marketer.
Just remember that the quicker you persuade the influence of the prospect or customer, gain there trust, build value and instant credibility, the quicker they will end up buying your product or service.
Thanks for stretching the rots. Until next time...
Chris Lara
Grass Root Marketing
Twitter: @GrassRootMrktg
Facebook: GrassRootMarketing
YouTube: GrassRootMarketing
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